
Why do companies choose to outsource the accounting department?

WLP Group

What is Outsource?

The term ‘outsourcing’ refers to help that is obtained from a foreign party. Many firms choose to implement outsource because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In today’s article, we will be sharing some of the advantages that a company can benefit from outsourcing their accounting department.

Data Accuracy and Efficiency

There are many reasons why companies choose to outsource their accounting department. When handling a huge amount of data, accuracy and efficiency is the number one priority that a firm asks for. With that said, by outsourcing the accounting department, firms can get professional finance consulting to ensure that data is stored in a manner where it is available at any time.

By outsourcing the accounting department, data is kept in better order and higher professionalism compared to manually done. We can never guarantee how accurate the data will be when it is done manually. But with outsourcing, the system provides a clear, neat and user-friendly interface that makes it easier for usage.

Besides having accurate data available at any time, it is also a good practice for companies to have data stored professionally. This helps to reduce any risk such as penalties or fines that can incur due to error in recording or reporting data. This efficiency is highly important to a company because it eliminates redundant time when data retrieval is required which in turn results in higher productivity.

Free Up Manpower for More Essential Work

Many companies face issues such as insufficient manpower to get work of more importance to be done. While hiring more staff can help, it is also good to be reminded that the process can be too time-consuming. Furthermore, many considerations have to be placed in when deciding to hire. By outsourcing the accounting department, companies can better position the required manpower on more essential work. With that said, this can help drive the company’s profit as well as make better business plans for future growth.

Cost Reduction

Another benefit of outsourcing is saving cost for the company by reducing manpower to do manual work. The cost difference and savings can then be implemented on other business plans with better returns.

CoSpeed Up Company’s Expertise and Experience

Another benefit of outsourcing is saving cost for the company by reducing manpower to do manual work. The cost difference and savings can then be implemented on other business plans with better returns.

Speed Up Company’s Expertise and Experience

Another common outcome that companies face is the problem where their personal accounting team is stuck in a repeated cycle of manual work. This can lead to slow company growth because time is spent on work that can have no further development and learning experience. With outsourcing, staff can use the opportunity to handle other work with higher growth value to increase their own skills and knowledge which in turn, contributes to the company’s expertise.

Elimination of Fraud

Reliability and integrity cannot be waived off when handling these data. One of the most important reasons to outsource is to eliminate fraud that occurs because of misconduct from within. With the help from outsourcing, companies can rely on them to provide safe, real, fast and accurate data. With high security and protection offered by outsourcing, companies can have their heart at ease and focus on more obligatory business goals.

Exposure to More Sensitive and Niche knowledge

When a company chooses to outsource the accounting department, they not only benefit from the data accuracy, efficiency and cost reduction, they also get exposure to knowledge and advice provided by the professionals. These information are usually niche and unnoticed due to the lack of professionalism. With this information at hand, companies can then make better business decisions to further benefit the establishment’s stand as well as minimize fault caused by the absence of niche product knowledge.

Eligibility for Schemes and Grants

Timely and accurate filing for tax can enable the business to enjoy the privilege of government schemes and grants when possible. These government programs are meant to encourage good business practice and help businesses in Singapore to grow and improve.


Through the implementation of outsourcing, companies do not have to worry about missing deadlines during the tax season or any other legal payments to be done. Outsource helps to keep track and identify deadlines as well as allow the company to make better preparation way ahead. This helps to prevent any issues from the law and allow business owners to have an ease of mind when concentrating on other business plans.


It is of great risk to the business owners when the company’s finance is not kept confidential and safe from occupational fraud. While firms can choose to hand over these sensitive data to trusted personnel, no one can guarantee that there is accidental data sharing or the possibility of system hacking from foreign party. Outsourcing the accounting department helps to protect the company’s finance and secure the business stand.


A firm’s success not only depends on the skills and knowledge that the team works hard to fulfill on, it also heavily relies on the financial safety linking to future prospects of growth planning and business decisions. By outsourcing the accounting department, companies can definitely see the difference in increment of benefits and enjoy the fruits of labor.